Building historical information about the formation of teachers: the teachers formation Schools La Salle from Canoas and Cerro Largo


  • Miguel Alfredo Orth Centro Universitário La Salle - Unilasalle Canoas



History of education, Teacher’s formation, Lassalian Brothers, Memory


This article is the result of a research situated in the field of history of education and has as goal to investigate the historical process of constitution of the courses of formation of teachers in the La Salle network, taking special interest in two schools, the Escola Normal Rural La Salle, from the town of Cerro Largo, and the Escola Normal de Canoas, From the city of Canoas, both created in 1941, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Methodologically, dialogs with several sources, including oral testimonies. Theoretically, discusses the theme starting from the cultural history. The creation of the mentioned courses of formation of teachers attended to the expectation of the Catholic Church, of the Lassalian Brothers, and of the communities inserted in the area, and they became a way to facilitate the access of many of its students in to colleges and successful professional careers. This helped to reinforce elements of positivity of the representations build about the schools and the Lassalian Education.





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