Memorials, culture and politics: symbols of post-mortem honors in the são-borjense community


  • Ronaldo Bernardino Colvero Universidade Federal do Pampa - UNIPAMPA
  • Marconi Severo Universidade Federal do Pampa - UNIPAMPA
  • Valmor Rhoden



Elites, Families, Policy, Post Mortem, São Borja


This paper presents an approach around the memorials, cemeteries and monuments honoring the old elite of São Borja (RS), and with this, the leading citizens of this community. It is known that the city was the scene of important historical and political events since its founding in the seventeenth century to the contemporary. The main objective of this paper a study of the post-mortem memorials of the former local elite to its current political importance. The research was guided by qualitative methodology, favoring the study on the role of these characters on the current line of São Borja and region. Our problem focuses on interpreting the behavior of this particular social and political group in relation to memorials post mortem remaining. Among the results an analysis that represents the behavior of the former elite of São Borja, which was intended, even after death, transmit and consolidate its leading position and social prestige through memorials post mortem.

Author Biography

Marconi Severo, Universidade Federal do Pampa - UNIPAMPA

Graduando do curso de Ciências Sociais - Ciência Política pela Universidade Federal do Pampa - UNIPAMPA, campus São Borja. Atualmente é bolsista de iniciação científica pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - FAPERGS, modalidade Pesquisa, trabalhando com o tema: "Quem são eles? Uma prosopografia da elite politica são-borjense (1889-1964)" e membro do grupo de pesquisa "Relações de fronteira: história, política e cultura na tríplice fronteira Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai".





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