Violent memories: the persistence of the traumatic experience in oblivion


  • Glaucia regina Vianna UNIRIO Jorge Antonio Vianna/ Maria de Fatima Vianna
  • Francisco Ramos Farias PPGMS/UNIRIO



Violence, Trauma, Repetitive Circuit, Forgetfulness, Memory


This paper aims to reflect on violence related to destructiveness, emphasizing the paradox that the barbaric and the civilized coexist in human nature, and it is also considered one of the social symptoms of current days, which produces repetitive circuits fed by hatred, resentment and segregation. These circuits continue and give the impression of being hardly broken. In order to understand how these circuits are formed, it is carried out an analysis of the traumatic experience that, due to their untimely character, produces violent memories, especially provoked by gaps caused due to forgetfulness or its opposite, and persist in a stream of continuous images over a time shown as an extension of an uninterrupted present. People who have been exposed to violent situations of different forms are marked by a state of impotence which results in monotony. This condition can be a trigger for the practice of violence glimpsed as a possibility of change in subjective position, i.e., it is solving the violence suffered by violent actions, making reverberate the repetitive circuit. a para solução da violência sofrida por intermédio de ações violentas, fazendo reverberar o circuito repetitivo.

Author Biographies

Glaucia regina Vianna, UNIRIO Jorge Antonio Vianna/ Maria de Fatima Vianna

Psicologa pela universidade Gama Filho, Especialização em Psicanálise e saúde mental pela UERJ, Mestrado em Memória Social pela UNIRIO, Doutorado PPGMS/UNIRIO, Pós doc bolsista PNPD/ PPGMS/UNIRIO, integrante do LPSPV/UNIRIO.



Francisco Ramos Farias, PPGMS/UNIRIO

Doutor pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas, bolsista de produtividade, coordenador do PPGMS/UNIRIO, coordenador do LPSPV/UNIRIO, Pesquisador FAPERJ.





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