Brazilian policy on intangible heritage: notes about the registry and safeguard of two Indian cultural properties


  • Damiana Bregalda Jaenisch



Intangible heritage, Registry, Safeguard


This paper talks about the implementation of the IPHAN registry and safeguard police for intangible heritage, from the example of two cultural goods: the Kuiswa Art - Wajãpi (AP) Corporal Painting and Graphic Art, registered in 2002 on the Forms of Expression Book; and the Iauaretê Waterfall – Holly Place of the Uaupés River (AM) and Papuri River (AM) Indigenous People, registered in 2006 on the Places Book. The reflections here are a part an ongoing work grounded on the analysis of the registry and safeguard documentation of this two cultural goods made in the IPHAN Intangible Heritage Department, as also in fieldwork made in the IPHAN Safeguard Coordination, in the management institutions of such safeguard plans, and between the owners of such cultural goods.




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