The mediation of memory in the transit of time in Dyonélio Machado


  • Mauro Gaglietti



Memories, Biographies, Mediation


Examine, firstly, some traces of the biography of Dyonelio Machado for the purpose of verifying, later, the possible links between his life history and his memories. In this paper, the approach of the biographical material is guided by the rejection of univocal interpretation of the individual trajectory. To this end, the biographical reading of the text is mediated by - or faced with - the autobiography of the author, documentary sources, particularly the proceedings of the parliament, and the selected theoretical literature. Here, knowledge is not the result of simple objective description, but a process of communication between characters and an ongoing and reciprocal relationship between biography and context. The change is precisely constituted by the endless interrelationships. Secondly, after the interpretation of the biography of Dyonelio Machado, the fragments of memories of a poor man are examined, the author's autobiographical text which refers, in particular, to its parliamentary experience and his role as writer and physician.



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