Memories of policies on CivilMilitary Dictatorship in Paraíba


  • Ana Paula Ferreira BRITO Universidade Federal de Pelotas / Mestranda



Politics of Memory, Forgetfulness, Dictatorship


Intends to show the public politics of memory about the debate on civil-military dictatorship in Paraiba. This debate was undertaken by the Center for Citizenship and Human Rights at the Federal University of Paraíba, through a project called Sharing Memories: those that will not be forgotten. This project has been developed since the year 2010 and it aims to prevent forgetting of those memories known as painful memories. Signed by the Design Collection and Memory of Repression in Paraiba it has linked also to the Reference Center of Political Struggles in Brazil's Ministry of Justice, and has consisted of a Politics Memory.

Author Biography

Ana Paula Ferreira BRITO, Universidade Federal de Pelotas / Mestranda

Graduada em História pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba e Mestranda do Programa de Memória e Patrimônio da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Integrante da Casa do Patrimônio de João Pessoa e da Rede de Educadores em Museus da Paraíba. Sua principal linha de pesquisa é Memória e Patrimônio. Atua principalmente nos seguintes temas: Políticas de Memória, Memórias do Período Militar, Educação Patrimonial, Patrimônio Imaterial e Museus.





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