The struggle for the Horacio de Levanto´s body: the business of death.


  • Maria José Collado Ruiz



Sepulture, Granada, Modern Early, Church, Judgment


Burial in the churches was a common practice in Modern Early. Encouraged by religious authorities was used as one of the main ways to live in memory and gain fame after death. While the deceased and his family gained glory and the elected church received an important part of their heritage. The sepulture of the richest person in the Modern Andalucia: Horacio de Levanto, was the reason for a long judgment.b Thanks to the extensive documentation generated in the judicial process, know about the construction and decoration of the Augustinian church of Granada, where he was buried.

Author Biography

Maria José Collado Ruiz

María José Collado Ruiz es Arquitecta técnica y Doctora en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de Granada y ha cursado un Master en Cultura Arabe y Hebrea. Ha trabajado en el Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Granada y en con un contrato posdoctoral en la Facultad de Arquitectura de Roma-Tre en Roma-Italia. Ha impartido clases en distintos Masters de las Universidades de Granada, Alicante y La Laguna (Tenerife) y cursos de postgrado. Participa activamente en el grupo de investigación Arquitecto Vandelvira HUM-573.





