Revealing memories of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of UFRGS


  • Ana Lérida Pacheco Gutierrez Mestre em Memória Social e Bens Culturais pela Universidade La Salle (Canoas/RS).
  • Maria de Lourdes Borges Doutora em Administração pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). Professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Memória Social e Bens Culturais da Universidade La Salle (Canoas/RS).



Social Memory, Institutional Memory, Statistic and Mathematics Institute, UFRGS


This article presents a systematization of Statistic and Mathematics Institute (IME) of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul trajectory, between 1959 and 2016, revealing some institutional memories. First it presents theoretical aspects about complexity, social memory, institutionalists approaches and institutional memory. A qualitative research has been carried out that involved documentary analysis and eighteen semi structured interviews systematized and analyzed using content analysis. The results demonstrate that the IME trajectory was classified in two main steps: old stage (1959 - 1985) and contemporary stage (1985 – 2016), both with several points in common such as achievements and challenges. The challenges includes fragmented memories, oriented to math course than IME, as well as with the main focus in planning and managing presents, such as macro-institutional administrative obstacles and internal conflicts. The achievements includes the multiplicity of memories, the university teachers professores Tietböhl (1989) and Rodrigues (1991) leadership, the statistical science insertion on Mathematics Institute (2015), and as well as the search for a place for reflection about educational and administrative practice, and memories shared.





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