Dance, music and poetry in Fandango’s wheel marks


  • Andréa José Grandini Tessaro Faculdade do Litoral Paranaense
  • Roberta Barros Meira Univille



Fandango, Cultural heritage, Music, Dance, Poetry


The marks of the fandango are dances composed by diverse choreographies, known like fashions. The waltzing fandango is danced by pairs, which rotate around the room in a counterclockwise direction and the beaten fandango is danced only by men, and consists of a tap dance performed with the aid of clogs made of wood. We must think that by owning repentistas features and letters that have variations and peculiarities in each place where it is touched, the fandango is alive and floating, the still adds dance and the very poetic language of caboclo and caiçara, and contact lyrics and melodies of brands fandango is to realize women and men dancing, intense sensitivity of those who writes the history from their experiences, of its charms and disenchantment. In this way, we try to point out some fandango melodies, that bring the experience, and to check the best-known wheel marks of the fandango and verify how this cultural event has been changing and getting influences over time.

Author Biographies

Andréa José Grandini Tessaro, Faculdade do Litoral Paranaense

Mestre em Patrimônio Cultural e Sociedade (2017). Graduada em Direito pela Associação Catarinense de Ensino (2008) e em Pedagogia, pela Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (2004). Especialista em Direito Processual Civil (Universidade do Contestado) e Gestão da Modernização do Poder Judiciário (UNISUL). Oficial a da Infância e Juventude, lotada na Comarca de Garuva/SC e docente no Curso de Direito da Faculdade do Litoral Paranaense- ISEPE- Guaratuba.

Roberta Barros Meira, Univille

Bacharel e licenciada em Historia pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (2005), mestrado e doutorado em História Econômica pela Universidade de São Paulo. Docente do Mestrado em Patrimônio Cultural e Sociedade e do Departamento de História da Universidade da Região de Joinville - Univille. Tem experiência na área de História do Brasil, com estudos no campo do patrimônio ambiental e políticas agrícolas.





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