Research “Native notions of museum heritage in Belém”




Value, Resonance, Adherence, Video, Museum of the Crib Fort and Cultural Space Casa das Onze Janelas


The article presents part of the research “Native Notions of Cultural and Environmental Heritage Musealized in the Urban Space of Belém”. The understanding of the notion of heritage is polyphonic and its analysis is based on the notion of attribution of value from the representation of culture among the category of resonance, according to Gonçalves (2007); and adherence, according to Borges and Campos (2012). The research has as object of study the native notion of museum and heritage from the narrative of several social groups, under the methodological approach of participant observation, field diary, and use of fixed and moving images. This article proposes as a reference the analysis of the attribution of value to semi-structured interviews conducted with two families of residents (five people) located in the surroundings of the Museum of the Fort and the Casa das Onze Janelas Cultural Space. The work reflects on the use of the image in an interdisciplinary research field and presents the video as an expanded field, studied at its extremes, as a process and product of research on museum and heritage. In this sense, it presents the initial part of the use of audiovisual (photography and video) as a process and product of research conceived in the interdisciplinary field (Anthropology, Museology, Visual Arts). Three documentary videos are in the process of being created, of which only a fragment of the documentary about the Cultural Space Casa das Onze Janelas and Museu do Forte do Presépio is presented, with the reflections about the native notions of the museum. 

Author Biography

Rosangela Marques de Britto, Universidade Federal do Pará

Docente da Faculdade de Artes Visuais do Instituto de Ciências da Arte da Universidade Federal do Pará e do Programa de Pós Graduação em Artes.

Mestre em Museologia e Patrimônio pela Unirio/Mast; Doutora em Antropologia IFCH/UFPA; Pintora e Arte/Educadora.





Notas de Pesquisa