The Route Museum of “Vila do IAPI”: How a patrimony becomes a museum


  • Pablo Barbosa de Oliveira Nenhuma



Vila do IAPI, Route Museum, Patrimony, Preservation, History


This article is based in the proposal of the work of conclusion of course of Museology in University Federal of Rio Grande do Sul, defended in 2018, with the name of “The village museum of IAPI: Where a patrimony become a museum”, that presents a proposal of route museum to the Vila do IAPI. To do so, it’s divided in three steps: in the first place, it presents an introduction of the Vila about your history and culture. In the second place, are presented concepts about patrimony, besides a problematization about the patrimony of IAPI; in the third and last step, it is proposed the project of Route Museum in Vila do IAPI. The study accomplished it is anchored in the specific bibliography of the patrimonial area, such as in the theoricals of museology and history of IAPI, formulating, from this theoretical reference, the proposal of route museum to the Vila.

Author Biography

Pablo Barbosa de Oliveira, Nenhuma

Museólogo formado pela UFRGS em 2018. Com experiências em reservas técnicas no Museu de História da Medicina do Rio Grande do Sul e no Museu do Ruy Tedesco do Sport Club Internacional. Experiência com pesquisa no Centro Histórico e Cultural da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre. Experiência com pesquisa e divulgação científica com o Projeto Leituras da Cidade da Professora Doutora Zita Possamai.  





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