Trajectories and possibilities: paths traveled by immigrant photographs in São Paulo city


  • Maria Clara Lysakowski Hallal UfPel



Madalena Schwartz, Claudia Andujar, Photography, Immigrants, Gender


This work aims to analyze the relationship between being an immigrant and the influence of this situation in the photographic repertoire of photographers Madalena Schwartz and Claudia Andujar, both immigrants, came to Brazil in the 1960s and 1955, respectively. To carry out the work, four photographs were selected, two from each professional, and the methodology used was the one by Augusto Pieroni (2003), who understands that the photographic analysis should be divided into: internal contexts (film, negative files, published works  ) and external (assemblages), forms (frames, focal plans, colors, lines) and content (themes, intentional references, meanings).  Through image analysis, it was possible to establish that the strangeness, present in immigrants in general, was portrayed in the selected images.  In this way, it is understood that the photographers saw themselves; their immigration, gender issues and the tensions these issues may appear in their photographs.

Author Biography

Maria Clara Lysakowski Hallal, UfPel

Doutoranda (bolsista CAPES) e Mestra (financiamento CAPES) (2014) em História pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPEL). Bacharela em História pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) (2010). Especialista em Literatura Brasileira (2018) pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS). É pesquisadora do Laboratório de Política e Imagem (LAPI UFPEL). Tem interesse em estudos sobre cultura visual, cidades, gênero e processos migratórios.




