Social History and Territoriality of the colonization in the North Rio-Grandense (1889-1930)


  • Cleiton Antonio Rossetto UPF.
  • Rosane Marcia Neumann UPF - Professora Titular



Social History, Peasants, Colonization, North Rio-Grandense, First Republic


The present study, from the perspective of Social History, problematizes the policies of colonization, land ownership and social organization in the North of Rio Grande do Sul, in the First Republic. The model of colonization, access, and land ownership adopted by the republican state of Rio Grande do Sul in the region in question inserted the immigrant/descending settler as the central element, putting him/her in contact, dispute, and conflict of interest with the landowners, mostly landowners, the squatters, the national farmers/caboclos, and the indigenous awnings. In this scenario, the State defined as a social category the “intruder”, which encompassed all those established in a land tenure without supporting documents. Therefore, it is noted that the greatest beneficiary of the period was the latifundium, which remained untouched; and the State, which acted as the central agent in the commercialization of public lands, followed by private colonization companies. The article explores the social plot that intended the State politics and the peasant society established and formed in the region.




