City and urban sensibilities: reflections on information, memory and heritage




City’s memories, information and memory, urban sensibilities, cultural heritage, Porto Alegre


Reflects on the memories of the city constructed in the experience with the place. It addresses the city and the urban sensibilities that mark its history, highlighting the role of information about the city in the preservation of its memories. Methodologically, it describes two experiences of urban research in Porto Alegre developed in the semester 2019/2, with the undergraduate course in Museology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, which were grounded in the search for information about the history of places, collaborating to the preservation of their memories. The experiences differ from each other by the types of heritage researched, by the memories they approach, as well as by the sources of information consulted. It concludes that, regardless of the differences and similarities in the forms of memorial manifestation, the research and sharing of information about the city is important for the preservation of its memories, for it strengthens and reinvigorates the bond of the inhabitants with the place.

Author Biographies

Alisson André Jesus de Almeida, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Mestrando em Museologia e Patrimônio (PPGMUSPA), bacharel em História e estudante de Museologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.

Lizandra Caon Bittencourt, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Estudante de Museologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.

Luis Fernando Herbert Massoni, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Doutor e mestre em Comunicação e Informação (PPGCOM). Bacharel em Biblioteconomia, estudante de Museologia e Professor Substituto do curso de Biblioteconomia (DCI/FABICO/UFRGS). Bolsista CAPES.





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