Tropicalist aesthetics and museum architecture: identity representations of contemporary Brazil


  • Bianca Manzon Lupo FAU USP, UMC, UNINOVE



Tropicalism, contemporary architecture, audiovisual museography, national identity


The tropicalist aesthetic comprises a representation of elements of Brazilian culture – Carnival, football, tropical fruits, beaches, favelas – that aim to build the national identity by incorporating mass culture elements. Creating images of Brazil for exportation seeks to insert itself in the economic global circuits. Since the 1990s, the reactivation of the tropicalist aesthetics has progressively influenced the disciplinary field of architecture. This article aims to reflect on the relation established between tropicalist aesthetics and Brazilian architecture. As methodology research, we will analyze architectural projects and other relevant documentary sources. The national representativeness associated with tropicalist aesthetics comes close to three main architectural programs: the creation of Brazilian Pavilions at the World Expositions, museography and museum architecture. The article will be structured around three moments: the projects not built in the 1990s, the events motivated by the exhibition Brazil + 500 and the construction of new museums the following decades.

Author Biography

Bianca Manzon Lupo, FAU USP, UMC, UNINOVE

Docente nos cursos de graduação em "Arquitetura e Urbanismo" na Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes (UMC) e na Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE). Doutoranda em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela FAU USP, instituição na qual obteve seu título de Mestre, na área de concentração "História e Fundamentos da Arquitetura e do Urbanismo". Filiada ao Comitê Brasileiro do Conselho Internacional de Museus (ICOM-BR). Especialista em "Museologia, Colecionismo e Curadoria" no Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo (FEBASP). Arquiteta e urbanista graduada pela FAU USP.





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