Devices to guide the architectural restoration project: creating a manual for Paraíba


  • Clara Patrícia Almeida Campos Faculdade Santa Maria - PB
  • Marina Goldfarb de Oliveira Faculdade Santa Maria - PB



IPHAEP, historical heritage, architectural restoration


In the state of Paraíba there is no manual that sets out which projects are necessary to prepare a restoration proposal. Therefore, it is necessary to create a booklet that will guide architects in how to preparing a restoration request and how to intervene in the historical built heritage, based on the teachings of other restorers who approach the way in which a restoration project should be treated and how to submit it to regional bodies, such as the Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute of Paraíba (IPHAEP). Because there are many documents, such as the necessary information for cases of dispersion and they can be forgotten in the middle of the process, such as: data on the documents to be collected by the architect responsible for the restoration proposal, which are in the middle of different IPHAEP documents. In this situation, the present work aims to create a Booklet that gathers all the necessary documents and information, as well as, the development of a standard procedure to be followed during the development of the restoration project that helps the architect in order to prepare it correctly to deal with the necessary interventions, while at the same time being able to meet the requirements imposed by the regional superintendence of the State of Paraíba, as well as showing the state of the building before and after the renovation. In addition, it will contribute to the updating of state records that will serve as a basis for professionals who will intervene in the listed property in the future, since the restoration proposal is somewhat complex and involves all areas of architecture, theory and history of architecture and urbanism, as well as sustainability and technologies aimed at civil construction.

Author Biographies

Clara Patrícia Almeida Campos, Faculdade Santa Maria - PB

Mouseion – Revista Eletrônica do Museu e Arquivo Histórico La Salle

Marina Goldfarb de Oliveira, Faculdade Santa Maria - PB

Mouseion – Revista Eletrônica do Museu e Arquivo Histórico La Salle





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