“Marseille-Provence: European Capital of Culture in 2013”, the double socio-economic face of a cultural labeling policy


  • Alexandre Grondeau Aix-Marseille Université, Laboratoire TELEMMe, CNRS, UMR 7303
  • Mathilde Vignau



Palabras clave:

Cultural Labeling Policy, European Capital of Culture, Marseille, Social Segregation, Cultural City


This paper will be focused on the territorial labelling process which occurred in 2013 on Marseille-Provence territory (MP13). Indeed, this case is particularly representative of the development policies and issues ensuing the cultural title’s awarding. Like Glasgow in the past, Marseille has been seriously impacted by numerous crisis against which it tried to struggle thanks to culture and creativity. For politicians and urban planners, the “European Capital of Culture” label represents a big step towards social, economic and urban renewal. We would show how Marseille was able to get this specific title (especially by valorizing its own territorial weaknesses). Then, we will see in what extent this label’s awarding is linked to impressive urban transformations and what are their connections with neoliberalism. However, beyond the spectacular urban transformations which contribute to positive economic and touristic results, the MP13 event has also faced some drawbacks. Indeed, it clearly failed to integrate the poorest people or neighborhoods and wasn’t really able to valorize the local artists who often defend anti-conformist ways of cultural expression.





