No. 3 (2008)
Arte conceitual no museu: lugar ou não-lugar.
Conceptual Art at the museum: places or non-places.
- Ursula Rosa da Silva; Roberto Heiden
Ways and other ways for a museum: report of a visit to the Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul (MARGS).
- Caren Aline Morsch Radtke; Danielle Heberle Viegas
Citizens of the world: personal and family experiences of participants of a cultural exchange program.
- Maria Cristina Caminha de Castilhos França
A Memória Ambiental nas narrativas de cronistas e “memorialistas”.
The environmental memory on written narratives.
- Rafael Victorino Devos
The extraditates: the activity of the Uruguayan consulate in the libertation of the illegally enslaved blacks in the province of São Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul (1850’s and 1860’s).
- Jônatas Marques Caratti