Evaluation of morphometric characteristics of the watershed of Formoso River - TO
watershed, morphometry, Formoso riverAbstract
The objective of this work was to evaluate the morphometric characteristics Formoso river hydrographic basin, located in the southern state of Tocantins. For that some physical parameters were calculated for the study of the hydrology of the watershed and its sub-basins. The Formoso River basin covers 21 municipalities and has a total of six sub-basins namely rivers: Piaus, Pau Seco, Xavante, Dueré, Urubu and Formoso. The drainage area is 20,508.79 km² and the perimeter of 999.96 km. The watershed of the Formoso’s has elongated shape, compacity coefficient of 1.95, the form factor of 0.21 and circularity index of 0.25. The drainage density obtained for the basin was 0.54 km/km², being the sixth-order the main watercourse. Concluding that the basin under natural conditions, has less susceptibility to flooding, and that this advantageous feature in the design of civil and agricultural projects.Downloads
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