Floristic survey of ferns and lycophytes from the Municipal Park Rudolfo Arno Goldhardt, Panambi, Rio Grande do Sul.


  • Gustavo Pedroso de Moraes Instituto Federal Farroupilha
  • Carlos Rodrigo Lehn Instituto Federal Farroupilha - Campus Panambi



Semidecidual Seasonal Forest, Polypodiaceae, Pteridaceae, Pteridophytes, Urban Park.


A floristic survey of ferns and lycophytes was carried out in the Municipal Park Rudolfo Arno Goldhardt (PMRAG), located in the urban area of the municipality of Panambi, RS, Brazil. Monthly field trips between march 2017 and march 2018 were made for species registration and analysis of the life and growth forms, together with the substrate of occurrence. Thirty-two species were recorded, distributed in 20 genera and ten families, with Selaginella muscosa Spring being the only representative among the lycophytes. Polypodiaceae (9 spp.), Pteridaceae (7 spp.) together with the genera Campyloneurum (3 spp.) and Blechnum (3 spp.) presented the highest richness. Characteristically, the hemicryptophyte species, which have a rosulate growth and preferentially occur in the terrestrial substrate predominate in the study area. PMRAG accounts for about 30% of the total fern and lycophyte species associated with the regional forest environments, which reinforces the role of urban parks in maintaining the biodiversity of these groups.

Author Biographies

Gustavo Pedroso de Moraes, Instituto Federal Farroupilha

Acadêmico do curso superior de Liceciatura em Ciências Biológicas e bolsista CNPq.

Carlos Rodrigo Lehn, Instituto Federal Farroupilha - Campus Panambi

Docente no curso superior de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas e Dr. em Ecologia Vegetal pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina.




