Current Issue

Vol. 17 No. 2 (2023)

Caros leitores/as, autores/as e avaliadores/as. Informamos que a Revista de Ciências Ambientais não vai receber mais submissões de artigos por prazo indeterminado.

Agradecemos todo o apoio, bem como o reconhecimento da comunidade acadêmica e gerencial que nos prestigiou nesta caminhada.   Os artigos publicados continuam à disposição no link  Editora Chefe

Published: 2024-04-22
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The REVISTA DE CIÊNCIAS AMBIENTAIS is an electronic biannual publication of the Centro Universitário La Salle. It publishes scientific papers written by their professors and students, as well as by other authors, from Brazil and also from other countries. It publishes original research reports, theoretical studies and critical reviews. Papers submitted to the journal will be examined by the Editorial Board or referees, according to their areas of expertise, and will be evaluated if they are in accordance with the guidelines. The content of the manuscripts, as well as the accuracy of the references, are of entire responsibility of the authors and the opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily express the positions of the Editorial Board.

ISSN: 1981-8858