



LGBTfobia. Rural, Violência, Políticas Públicas


This article aims to investigate the main theoretical studies and data on violence in depth and LGBTphobia in rural territories. The study included bibliographical research, through a systemic search in electronic journals, in addition to data collection in academic observatories and civil society organizations on urban and rural violence related to LGBTphobia. The main research findings included: (i) lack of public policies to raise awareness and combat violence against LGBTQIAPN+ people in the countryside; ii) lack of academic research and database on LGBTphobia in rural territories; iii) need to think about policies to strengthen rural social movements, with a view to giving visibility to the struggles of the LGBTQIAPN+ community in these territories and advancing in guaranteeing rights.

Author Biographies

Jeam Claude de Souza Gomes, UFRN - PPEUR

Doutorando em Estudos Urbanos e Regionais (UFRN),Bacharel em Gestão de Políticas Públicas pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Licenciado em Geografia pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte. Tendo como linhas de estudos/pesquisa: A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos na Região Metropolitana de Natal, O Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação a Docência (PIBID) e sua importância para o processo de formação docente. E atualmente tem como foco de estudo questões relacionadas a diversidade sexual, gênero na esfera da política de desenvolvimento territorial rural, movimento de mulheres rurais e LGTBQIA+.

Winifred Knox, UFRN - PPEUR

Post-doctorate in Anthropology, PhD in Social Sciences, master in Sociology and anthropology, Specialist in philosophy. Permanent professor in the Urban and Regional Studies Program (PEUR/UFRN) - Territorial and regional dynamics line - territorial dynamics disciplines (new ruralities, feminist theories, decoloniality, knowledge production, among others), researcher at LabRural/UFRN, NAVIS/UFRN and also in the Public Policy Management course at the Public Policy Institute/UFRN. Strong focus on university extension. Experience in research on favela social movements within the scope of urban sociology, focus given in the master's dissertation and in social movements of fishermen and fisherwomen, focus given in doctoral and post-doctoral research at PPAS at UFF. He has dedicated himself to research and extension in area of ​​socio-anthropology of development, public policies and territorial planning with great emphasis on regional development, fishing communities, family farming and gender equality. Associate professor III. He has 21 articles in journals, 7 books published/org, 26 book chapters, 19 audio-visual productions.

Pedro Henrique Bezerra Farias, UFRN - PPEUR

Master in Urban and Regional Studies from the Postgraduate Program in Urban and Regional Studies, Institute of Public Policies - IPP, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Specialist in Digital Law from Faculdade Verbo Educacional. Bachelor of Law from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte - UERN. He works as a research fellow in the area of ​​Administrative Law, working in the General Administration Auxiliary Group - GAAG, of the Institute for Sustainable Development and the Environment of Rio Grande do Norte - IDEMA. He completed an internship at the 6 Public Prosecutor's Office of Mossoró/RN, with assignments in the criminal area. He worked as a researcher at the Secretariat of State for Administration of the State of Rio Grande do Norte - SEAD/RN, working in the Technical Advisory Department of the Cardeal Dom Eugênio de Araújo Sales School of Government - EGRN, where, in addition to research activities in the field of digital governance and innovation, collaborated with the drafting of legal instruments necessary for institutional activities, such as, among others, terms of reference, cooperation agreements and internal regulations. He is currently a member of the Rural Studies Laboratory (LABRURAL) and the Study Group on Fishing Populations and Regional Development - GEPPEDER, both linked to the Institute of Public Policies (IPP/UFRN). He is interested in the areas of regional planning, territorial development, memory , construction of identities and Public Policies, innovation, public law and gender issues. He is a poet and writer.




