Literature and memory: a discussion about borderline universes


  • Monica Pimenta Velloso FCRB, MINISTÉRIO DA CULTURA, RJ



History and literature, History and memory, Cultural history, Sensibilities history, Interdisciplinarity


Starting from a overview of the epistemological changes it’s proposed the discussion of the contributions of cultural history and sensibilities. It’s highlighted the particular dialogue between history and literature that leads to mutual changes integrating new narrative strategies and resizing of the social reality. Suggests the possibility of rethinking the Brazilian modernity from a classic of literature; showing how in the beginning of the 20th century, D. Quixote de Cervantes served to discuss the problematic of exclusion in the international scene. Matrix of history, the memory is addressed here in its complexes injunctions bringing the discussion to the scope of Brazilian culture. The historian´s workshop is constituted by the text framework that creates a dialogue between theoretical methodological fundaments and concrete aspects of the historical research. History as a speech of representation of reality is an object of discussions with the debate inserted in the postmodernity panorama. The historian must do a critical use of the sources in a scenario marked by the constant reconstruction of national identities and by the borderline character of the field of knowledge.

Author Biography


Pesquisadora da Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa e pesquisadora do CNPq. Pós-doutorado pela École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales em Paris(2010) .Membro do comitê científico do GT de História Cultural da Associação Nacional de História , Membro do Comitê cientifico da Revista Artelogie, Paris (EHESS / CERMA). Dentre seus livros mais recentes destacam-se: História e modernismo. Belo Horizonte , Autentica, 2010 e O moderno em revistas, representações do Rio de Janeiro, Garmond/Faperj, 2010 (com Oliveira, Claudia e Lins, Vera) ; Responsável pelo dossiê “Questões do Modernismo brasileiro” da Revista Artelogie, Paris (EHESS / CERMA), março de 2011.



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