Memories of the Urwald in Southern Brazil: negotiations and risks of German-Brazilian forest colonization


  • Eduardo Relly Lateinamerika Institut (LAI) Freie Universität Berlin



Urwald, German Colonization, Memory, Mata Atlântica


The settlement of German-rooted populations in Southern Brazil was largely dependent on the forest colonization of southern Mata Atlântica biome. Although this fact is a cornerstone to the history of colonization of the Brazilian territory, just a few analyzes were carried out in order to historicize the social memories attached to the forested space. Therefore, this text seeks through different sources and documents like immigrants/descendants’ diaries, literature, travelers’ reports, and others, to glimpse the German-Brazilian forest around the memory of the Urwald, that is, while a socioenvironmental construction made by German-Brazilian communities since the nineteenth century. Among the German-Brazilians we often observe the existence of a forest memory largely connected to the idea of risks, sacrifices, surmounting and victory over the forested environment; At the same time, such a memory is closely related to the migrants’ forest experiences linked to the dimension of the central European forests. This paper wants to explore such questions aiming at erecting the discussion about the memory of the Urwald through a concrete example, the Picada Essig community, located in Travesseiro, state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil.

Author Biography

Eduardo Relly, Lateinamerika Institut (LAI) Freie Universität Berlin

Graduado em História (Licenciatura Plena) pelo Centro Universitário Univates (Lajeado-RS), e Mestre em Ambiente e Desenvolvimento também pelo Centro Universitário Univates. Recentemente foi contemplado com uma bolsa CAPES-DAAD para Doutorado Integral na Freie Universität Berlin, Alemanha, na área de Estudos Latino-Americanos (Lateinamerika-Institut). É membro do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Vale do Taquari (RS), da Associação de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeus (AHILA), da Deutsch-Brasilianische Gesellschaft (DBG) e da Gesellschaft für Pommersche Geschichte, Altertumskunde und Kunst E.V. Tem experiência na área de educação patrimonial, arqueologia, capital social e imigração alemã ao Brasil. Seus interesses atuais estão direcionados ao exame da imigração alemã no sul do Brasil, principalmente sob o prisma da história ambiental e histórias crusadas (cultur transfer). Especificamente, objetiva compreender a relação entre padrões de propriedade de solo florestal e ecologia do fogo ocorridos nas áreas ocupadas por imigrantes alemães e seus descendentes a partir do século XIX no Brasil meridional.





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