Consumption: a counter-memory?


  • Jeanine Bender De Paula Advogada. Mestranda do Curso de Memória Social e Bens Culturais do Unilasalle, Canoas.



Consume, Memory, Anti-memory


This study is going to think the consumption from a diverse point of view of the usual one, with specific objectives based in an anti-memory, in other words, something that not itself constrained in the mind, having in mind the frality that we live in the world of the information, where the consumption itself is volatile and fluid. The high modernity also has as characteristic the consumer society, presenting this straight correlation with the economic growth that extends to all community. Therefore, the theme has the aim to initiate the reflection about a day-to-day matter as the consumption, perceived here like a factor of anti-memory, and its main consequences in the contemporary worl



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