Effect of fluvial dynamics and anthropological action on erosion of fluvial margins: The case of sand mining on the Jacuí river


  • Telmo Fernando Perez de Quadros Departamento Nacional de Produção Mineral




Mining, Environment, River Bank Erosion, River Dynamics, Anthropogenic Actions in the Environment.


The sand mining in the Jacuí River bed, has been the main responsible for attendance of this mineral demand to civil construction of Rio Grande do Sul. Such activity has been responsible for the erosive processes observed, mainly, in the river banks. This paper presents information and technical considerations based on observations and field studies, and on dispatched laboratory experiments, regarding the anthropic factors and natural factors that influence the erosion of the Jacuí River banks. These observations are discussed in the light of scientific knowledge in order to provide a better understanding of the erosive processes in the river and to support the field studies and the conclusions presented. The work identified anthropic activities and natural processes that contribute to the erosion of the banks observed in the Jacuí River.

Author Biography

Telmo Fernando Perez de Quadros, Departamento Nacional de Produção Mineral

Superintendência do DNPM - RS




