About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Journal DESENVOLVE have as objective the advancement of the study of management in interdisciplinary perspective, with emphasis on the relationship between innovation and management models in environments of educational nature, social and corporate-enterprise. This publication is divided into four sections, namely: article from the editors, a section of articles, a cases of education and one of book reviews. Each edition brings the publication of eight articles/unpublished documents (resulting in 8 as the sum of articles and documents of the sections cited above, and production of Brazilian authors or foreign. Are accepted theoretical articles, literature reviews, technical-scientific articles and theoretical approaches and empirical. The submission process is continuous, permanent flow. All items, except the editorial, will review by double blind, with a final analysis of editors. In addition to the weights of the evaluators, the publishers they exercise the power of selection, rejection or request for adjustments to the authors. The order of publication and quota to the context of each edition, which can be an ordinary or special topics. Calls to thematic editions will be made by publishers, and its prediction of occurrence and a volume of thematic closed every one or two years.
Peer Review Process
This Periodical adopts the system of double blind evaluation performed by pairs (blind review).
Publication Frequency
Biannual, with new editions in March and September.
One volume per year consisting of 2 numbers.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate free access to its content. We follow the principle of which available free scientific knowledge to the public provides greater democratization of world knowledge. This journal does not charge any fee for submission and publication of articles.