
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

1. Desenvolve: Management Journal of Unilasalle has as mission the advance of the management study in interdisciplinary perspective, with emphasis in the relation between innovation and management models in environments of educational character, social, corporate-business and of the creative industries.

2. The journal receives submissions in continuous flux through its page in the internet. The text must be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English.

3. Before making a submission the author must register himself/herself in the System, which is fast and gratuitous. We request:

(i)   complete name, without abbreviations;

(ii)  links for the lattes curriculum in the ´URL´ field;

(iii) professional data including function, department and complete name of the institution in the ´Institution/Affiliation´ field;

(iv) complete mail address in the ´Summary of the Biography´ field;

(v)  check the options ´author´ and reader´;

(vi) Masters and doctors can register themselves also as evaluators. In this case it is fundamental to inform areas of interest for evaluation.

4. The file of submission can have up to 25 pages. Formatting issues, system of citations and presentation of the references are detailed here [Access model.doc].

We encourage the use of this document as a model.

5. The received submissions are preliminarily evaluated by the editors who verify compliance with the focus of the journal and formatting issues. The texts that meet these criteria are sent for double-blind-review by pairs.

6. The acceptation for publication depends on (i) the recommendation of the evaluators and, if it is the case, (ii) the adjustments to be carried out/corrections within the stipulated deadline by the editors.

7. Accepted texts can be published in the next number of the journal or in one of the upcoming editions, at the authors’ discretion.

Privacy Statement

The personal data of the authors, requested in the “Register”, will be used exclusively for the services provided by the journal, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.