Formalization, rewards and the role of management area people: a review on the process management expatriation employee organizations in Rio Grande do Sul
Internationalization, process expatriation, human resourcesAbstract
The process of internationalization of companies born during the 90s of the last century, driven by factors such as global customers by charging that Brazilian suppliers could meet other plant them outside Brazil, new business and career options for Brazilian professionals and the search for new opportunities to expand business abroad. In this sense, the expatriation has become one of the main options for companies to guarantee the outcome and quality delivery of their products and services abroad. This study aimed to compare expatriation practices performed by three companies, with respect to certain processes for managing people, as the formalization of expatriation forms of reward and the role of the area of people management in driving this process. To this end, the methodology used was a qualitative, descriptive, and conducted a case study in business object analysis, during the year 2011. The results suggest the need for a more formalized role in the area of people management in this process, with special attention to the practices of formalization of the contract and compensation.References
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