International insertion of Universities and perceived value: an analysis in three higher education institutions


  • Gustavo Dalmarco Centro Universitário La Salle
  • Alisson Eduardo Maehler Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Marlon Dalmoro Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Wagner Junior Ladeira Unisinos
  • Jonas Cardona Venturini Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Internationalization of teaching, higher education


The internationalization of Brazilian higher education institutions (HEI) has become a practice of policy and programs of governments, institutions and academic systems. This phenomenon, for being recent, has few studies accomplished by Brazilian academics, especially considering perceived value in internationalization of HEIs. There is no certainty so far if the students attribute value to internationalization actions of the HEIs. Thus, the objective of this paper is to analyze the value perceived by the undergraduate student in relation to the international insertion of the university. The present study was conducted through two methods: a multiple case study with depth interviews with coordinators of internationalization of three universities of Rio Grande do Sul; a survey with 378 students of the administration course of the same universities. The exploratory factor analysis of the survey allowed discriminating the factors and to confirm in practice six categories of perceived value: social interaction, academic gains, educational gains, quality, reputation and benefits. It has been observed that there is a level of perceived value on the part of the students with regard to activities of internationalization, corroborating with the evidences highlighted in the theoretical basis. The data still demonstrate that the services offered by means of the actions of internationalization add value to the university offer, favouring this type of activity by the HEIs.

Author Biography

Gustavo Dalmarco, Centro Universitário La Salle

Doutor em administração de empresas com ênfase em gestão da inovação e empreendedorismo. Vinculado ao mestrado em Gestão do Desenvolvimento e Inovação do Unilasalle.


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