Retention of talent in the field of computer organizations


  • Cecília Smaneoto
  • Lilian Beatriz Binsfeld Discente do Curso MBA em Gestão de pessoas e Desenvolvimento de Talentos na Sociedade Educacional Três de Maio – SETREM



Personnel management, human talent, talent retention


The preoccupation with business when it comes to retaining talent was one reason for this research, his goal was to analyze and diagnose as the companies of the TI work to retain its talented professionals, seeking grants for a review of practices and or tools in the area of retention. The research was conducted through literature surveys on retention of talent and concepts that surround it, the approach used was qualitative and quantitative research for managers and employees of organizations. The last stage of labor was characterized by the development and analysis of results. The search results are satisfactory, it can achieve all the objectives of the research but also reach the conclusion that finding talented people is relatively easy, whether to retain these talents is that it requires strategies in talent manage­ment. The study will be presented below, there is a need for more organizations to evaluate your people, understand the talents and try to through some form of doing business where they want to work.

Author Biographies

Cecília Smaneoto

Professora Orientadora, Bacharel em Administração pela SETREM, Especialista em Recursos Humanos, Mestre em Desenvolvimento (UNIJUI), Consultora e Coach.;

Lilian Beatriz Binsfeld, Discente do Curso MBA em Gestão de pessoas e Desenvolvimento de Talentos na Sociedade Educacional Três de Maio – SETREM

Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação, aluna do Curso MBA em Gestão de pessoas e Desenvolvimento de Talentos na Sociedade Educacional Três de Maio – SETREM,


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