Analysis of the validity and usefulness of performance management system for competence in a financial institution in Belém-PA


  • Daniel Fernando Lima Martins Universidade da Amazônia - UNAMA
  • Rosinele da Silva de Oliveira Universidade da Amazônia - UNAMA
  • Márcia Athayde Moreira Universidade da Amazônia - UNAMA



Management skills, performance management, organizational strategy


The present research aimed to investigate and analyze in Belém, capital of Pará State, the perception and the level of acceptance of a financial institution on the performance management program skills-GDC adopted. Methodologically was held an exploratory research, for what is used as the search strategy survey, through the application of structured questionnaires, supported by the brief theoretical review. For the treatment of the data was conducted the analysis of the main components in order to identify and group on factors the main elements of analysis. With the results of the survey, it was observed that the assertive skills development is an important link between organizational strategy and its results, and that, in the perception of employees generally, the GDC model under study has reached a good level of maturity and acceptance, being recognized as valid and useful, although present some negative perceptions about a possible lack of transparency in how to use your ascension career processes in the organization.




