Quarantine impacts on the cultural sector in Canoas/RS: preliminary results
Cultural sector, impacts of the pandemic, Covid-19, cultural management, CanoasAbstract
This article presents some preliminary results of the ongoing study on the impacts of quarantine on the cultural sector of the municipality of Canoas (RS), caused by the new coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic, which has been carried out by a working group composed of by researchers from Sesc Canoas, LaSalle University and the Municipal Council for Cultural Policies of Canoas. This is an exploratory and descriptive study, whose methodological procedures for data production include documental research and the application of structured electronic questionnaires, from April to September 2020, with various agents from the city's cultural production chain as respondents. . The interpretation and analysis of data has been carried out based on applied statistics. In studies carried out in different parts of the country, it can be seen that the cultural sector has already been suffering constant budget reductions since the end of 2018. With regard to Canoas, the preliminary results show that the pandemic has seriously aggravated this scenario, considering that 47% of the survey respondents carry out professional activities exclusively in the cultural area, representing more than 75% of their total remuneration, in addition to the fact that 62.9% of those surveyed had their contracts completely canceled throughout 2020.References
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