The nurse professional challenge facing shared and collaborative leadership


  • Ana Claudia Braun UNILASALLE - Professora Recursos Humanos
  • Camila Dewes Porto Fagundes Unilasalle Canoas



Shared leadership, nursing, management


The nurses’ daily routine is full of challenges. One of them is the shared, collaborative leadership. The presented research aims to evaluate the nurse’s perception of this shared, collaborative leadership and for that was conducted with a qualitative approach study, transversal and exploratory, with eight nurses in leadership roles from different shifts at a private hospital in Porto Alegre. After data were treated and analyzed, the most evident results show that shared leadership developed by nurses faces barriers that are inherent to welfare and administrative activities performed by such professionals, like different leadership styles, conflict management, decision-making processes and interpersonal relationship. As the practical implication, an investment on organizational wide training is suggested, aiming to spread shared leadership comprehension, reduce its barriers and encourage its qualified execution.

Author Biographies

Ana Claudia Braun, UNILASALLE - Professora Recursos Humanos

Psicóloga, Doutoranda em Psicologia PUCRS, professora do Tecnólogo em Recursos Humanos

Camila Dewes Porto Fagundes, Unilasalle Canoas

Enfermeira e Especialista em Urgência e Emergência. Pós graduada em Liderança Coach pela Unilasalle Canoas




