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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Health and Human Development Journal Guidelines for authors

AUTHORSHIP: inclusion as author implies a substancial intellectual contribution in the elaboration of the work, which includes participation in the design and planning of the study, obtaining, analyzing and interpreting the data, writing or reviewing the manuscript, and approving its final version. Other participations, such as obtaining funding, collecting and typing data, technical assistance in the execution of routines, referral of participants or even authorization for in-service collection are not criteria for authorship. In this case, they will merit a citation in the "Acknowledgments", at the end of the text, with the written authorization of those responsible. The Journal also requires that one of the authors have a minimum degree of Master.

LANGUAGE: articles are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English. For authors with texts in Spanish, French or English, the abstract is mandatory in English, the abstract in Portuguese will be translated by Unilasalle.

EVALUATION PROCESS: The submitted article will be analyzed first by the editors, in order to verify the formatting and the adequacy to the scope of the periodical. Once these requirements are met, it is forwarded to two anonymous reviewers (double blind review). Once the review stage has been completed by the reviewers, the Editor will issue the final opinion (in which the reviewers' anonymity is preserved) and will be expressed as follows:

Accept: the work is accepted in full for publication in one of the next issues of the journal, according to the chronological criterion of the conclusion of the evaluation process.

Revisions Required: modifications must be made by the author, who will receive the opinion with the suggestions of the evaluators, returning the work reformulated within the stipulated time and with the changes made marked in a different color for a conference. In the case of a large number of requested changes, the article will be forwarded to the reviewers, after being adapted by the author, for a new analysis.

Rejected: refusal of publication, with due justification given by the Editor-in-Chief, taking as reference the analysis made by the evaluators, preserving their identity.

Check the form used by the evaluators (link)

EVALUATORS SUGGESTION: the author can send suggestion of evaluators (two evaluators), indicating full name, contact email, titling and affiliation (University with link). This information must be entered in the message submission field in the editor.

PERIODICITY: quarterly.

PUBLICATION: After accepting the article, the language is revised (Portuguese, Spanish, French or English), edited and published on the journal's website according to the issue. The original articles are published immediately (ahead of print), after publishing, that is, it is an early publication of the articles approved by the Editorial Committee that aims to contribute to the faster dissemination of research.


Text: Papers should be formatted in a file (.doc or .docx) using Word for Windows Editor or Editors that are compatible, font Arial 12, typed with 1.5cm spacing and with margins of 2.5cm each , With zero spacing before and after the paragraphs. The document must be formatted for A4 size (210 x 297 mm). Number the pages and lines consecutively by starting the title page. The numbering should be placed in the lower right corner of each page. Insert numbers of lines.

Sessions: Each new session (INTRODUCTION, METHODS, etc.) should be left-aligned, in uppercase and bold.

Abbreviations: should appear in parentheses the first time they are cited in the text. If abbreviations are used in the abstract, they should also be explained in the summary itself.

Number of pages: up to 20 A4 pages.


The cover sheet is a document that must be submitted separately from the manuscript, and should be submitted as an additional document.

It should include:

All information on the title page should be left aligned and font 12, except for the title that should have font size 14 and centered.

Indication of the type of article: Original review article, Original article research report or Original report of experience. Formatting aligned to the left, font 12, initials in upper case.

Original Article: introduction, objectives, method, results, discussion, conclusion and references. It is mandatory to send a letter of approval from the Research Ethics Committee. This is research without conflicts of interest.

Experience Report: introduction, objectives and method of work, discussion and conclusion and references.

Review article: theoretical and critical review or systematic literature that present arguments and counter-argument and references on topics related to health and human development.

Title: should be concise and complete, in bold with font 14, aligned to the left, not to exceed 150 characters (including spaces), initials in uppercase. In Portuguese, Spanish / French and in English.

Authors' names: left-aligned formatting, font 12, initials in upper case.

Authors' affiliations: left-aligned formatting, source 12, initials in upper case. Institution, address and country should be listed below each institution name.

Corresponding author: left-aligned formatting, font 12, initials in uppercase. It must be indicated with an asterisk (*) in the author's name. After the affiliations, you should see the corresponding author's information, with institution, address, country, zip code, and e-mail.


Original review article

Title of article in size 14, bold, left-aligned, and capital letters

Author 1 *

Author 1

1Centro Universitário La Salle, Canoas, Brasil.

*Correspondig Author: Av. Victor Barreto, 2288. Building 6. Canoas-RS. Brasil. ZIP CODE. 92010-000.


Title Page

All information on the title page should be left aligned and font 12, except for the title that should have font size 14.

Indication of article type: original article, Experience Report Article, Review Article. Formatting aligned to the left, font 12, initials in upper case.

Title: should be concise and complete, in bold with font 14, aligned to the left, not to exceed 150 characters (including spaces), initials in uppercase. In Portuguese, Spanish / French and in English.


Original review article

Title of article in size 14, bold, left-aligned, and capital letters


Pages 2 and 3 should contain, respectively, the abstracts in Portuguese, Spanish / French and English, according to the specifications below.

• Summary: It must be structured, with a maximum limit of 200 words, in Portuguese, Spanish/French and in English. The abstract should contain: introduction or contextualization (optional), objective, materials and methods, results and conclusions. The introduction, objective, and other sessions should be bold, starting with a capital letter and a new line. Abstracts in Portuguese, Spanish / French and English must have the same content.

Key words: below the abstract, indicate 3 to 6 terms that identify the theme, being limited to the descriptors recommended in DeCS (Health Sciences Descriptors), translated from MeSH (Medical Subject of Health), and presented free of charge by BIREME In the trilingual form on the URL: or the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of Index Medicus, available at


• Structure of the text

Introduction: should contain the theoretical basis and justification needed to format and contextualize the problem in question and should contain the objectives of the research clearly. It is recommended not to exceed 3 pages in this session, following the formatting rules previously described.

Materials and Methods: report on study design, sample characterization (description of population studied), description of data collection, statistical analysis and ethical procedures. In addition, the methodology used must be fully described in order to allow the work to be fully replicated by other researchers. It should include all the necessary information - or make references to articles published in other scientific journals - to enable the replicability of the collected data.

Results: should be presented in a brief and concise manner, informing the quantitative data (averages, deviations, etc.) and statistical significance.

Tables and figures can be used, when necessary, to ensure better and more effective understanding of the data.

Discussion: the objective of the discussion is to interpret the results and relate them to existing and available knowledge, especially to those that were indicated in the Introduction of the work. The information given earlier in the text (in the Introduction, Methodology and Results) can be cited, but should not be repeated in detail in the discussion.

Conclusion: the conclusions should be presented at the end of the discussion, in a clear and direct way, taking into account the objectives of the work.


For articles presenting Experience Report / Case, the abstract should be structured as follows: introduction or contextualization (optional), objective, description of the case and conclusions. The other standards cited above should be followed in the "Summary and Keywords" section.

• Structure of the text

Introduction: should contain the theoretical basis and justification needed to format and contextualize the problem in question and should contain the objectives of the research clearly. It is recommended not to exceed 3 pages in this session, following the formatting rules previously described.

Description: The case must be described in full and the necessary ethical considerations cited. In the case of performing procedures, the methodology used must be fully described in order to allow the work to be fully repeated by other researchers. If there are quantitative data, these should be expressed clearly and completely.

Discussion: the purpose of the discussion is to interpret the findings and relate them to the existing and available knowledge, especially to those that were indicated in the Introduction of the work: The information given earlier in the text may be quoted, but should not be repeated in detail in the discussion.

Conclusion: the conclusions should be presented at the end of the discussion, in a clear and direct way, taking into account the objectives of the work.


• Structure of the text

Introduction: should contain the theoretical basis and justification needed to format and contextualize the problem in question and should contain the objectives of the research clearly. It should be clear why the review is being conducted. It is recommended not to exceed 3 pages in this session, following the formatting rules previously described.

Materials and Methods: to inform the research sources, defining the databases and clearly describing the search strategies (words / descriptors used, search period and criteria used). It should also describe the criteria used to select the articles and extraction methods, as well as the number of articles obtained and discarded using the criteria described. The description of the methodology must be complete in order to allow other researchers to obtain the references used in the work.

Results and Discussion: the data obtained from the review should be presented in a clear and concise manner. The results obtained with the review should be discussed by relating them and taking into account the problems raised and the objectives outlined. Tables and figures can be included, when necessary, to ensure better and more effective understanding of the data.

Conclusion: the conclusions should be presented at the end of the discussion, in a clear and direct way, taking into account the objectives of the work.


They must be numbered in parentheses, without the use of upper or superscript boxes, and ordered by order of appearance in the text. Identify them by the same number whenever quoted, and meet the Vancouver standards ( Use Arial 12 font and 1.5 space.

Authors' citations in the body of the text should include the first author followed by et al., When there is more than one author, and be accompanied by the reference number according to the following example: "According to Newton et al. (14) to physics ... “.



Mandatory elements:

Surname and initials of the author's name. Book's title. City of publication: Publisher; year.


1. Butler SW. Secrets from the Black Bag. London: The Royal College of General Practitioners; 2005.

Chapter of book (collection) or part of book

Mandatory elements:

Surname and initials of the author's name. Title of the chapter. In: Surname and initials of the name of the organizer. Book's title. City of publication: Publisher; year.


1. Rowlands TE, Haine LS. Acute limb ischaemia. In: Donnelly R, London NJM, editors. ABC of arterial and venous disease. 2nd ed. West Sussex. Blackwell Publishing; 2009.


Mandatory elements:

Surname and initials of the author's name. Title of the article. Name of the journal. year month day; Volume (number): start page-end page of the article.


1. Snowdon J. Severe depression in old age. Medicine Today. 2002 Dec 10; 3 (12): 40-47.


Surname and initials of the author's name. Title of the article. Name of journal. year month day; Volume (number): start page-end page of the article. Available at: Direct link to the article.


1. Lemanek K. Adherence issues in the medical management of asthma. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 1990 Jun 10; 15 (4): 437-58. Available at:


They should contain representative data that contribute to the qualification of the text, numbered with Arabic numerals, in order of appearance in the text. The tables are used for description of numbers, should be open on the sides, without vertical lines, and closed at the bottom. The title should start with the identification of the table (Table 1) in bold type and follow in lowercase letters without a tap, with a space of 1,5 cm. Comments can be placed below the table as an example. Tables should be inserted into the body of the text exactly as it should be published. The body of the text must indicate with numbering corresponding to the table to be inserted.