Regional standardization of estimate tables of percentilic categorization of neuromotor tests


  • Johnny Torres Figueiredo faculdade asces



Physical activity, physical assessment, neuromotor test


Introduction: The number of practitioners of physical activity currently suffered a considerable increase on the part of the Brazilian population. With the increase of this practice, it is necessary to classify the individual according to his physical fitness through normative tables.

Goal: Standardization of estimate tables of percentílic categorization of neuromotor tests.

Materials and methods: This work was characterized by a retrospective study, transversal and descriptive with samples for convenience. The protocols of evaluation of 300 regulars of 18 to 45 years of age of both sexes of the Assessment of Human Performance of ASCES College have been analyzed.

Results: The tables used are part of an attempt to regionalize the indexes of tests to analyze some motor skills that were evaluated. It was observed that the percentile obtained in the proposed tables obtained a well satisfactory result with respect to the classification of the individuals. In the already existing tables there was a difference in the percentile, not having a normalcy of results among these tables.

Discussion: The proposal for Standardization of test table neuromotors of each population is of paramount importance in the context of the physical education. Since the existing tables were produced with populations of other countries, even so they are used as standard reference in our country. The regionalization of the percentílic tables could solve this problem by setting specific standards for each population.

Conclusion: The estimate tables of percentílic characterization of neuromotor tests obtained satisfactory results of evaluation for the population evaluated in relation to the flexibility, muscular endurance localized tests and manual dynamometry.

Author Biography

Johnny Torres Figueiredo, faculdade asces

Bacharel em educação física

Área de atuação: saúde, avaliação física e reabilitação cardíaca



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