Non-human caregivers: The difficult task of guide dogs


  • Anamaria Feijó Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul



Visually Impaired Persons, Caregivers, Animals, Personal Autonomy


The World Health Organization understands health as a state of complete physical, social, and mental well-being and not only the non-presence of illnesses. Thanks to that, health became a human being’s fundamental right, a collective value; therefore, we should enjoy it individually and share it socially with everybody. This access to comprehensive health becomes difficult for people who have limitations, such as the visually impaired, who need the presence of a caregiver. These limitations are also mitigated by non-human caregivers. They dedicate themselves to the task of allowing human beings to become integrated in the society, living an autonomous life, as it is recommended by the WHO. The ob­jective of this article is to propose a reflection on the importance of the respect regarding to the visually impaired who ally themselves to the character of the guide dog, making this topic incredibly relevant within our society. Bibliographical review was the employed methodology for this article. Guide dogs represent the eyes of their tutors, being their care­givers. In order to be ensured a real social inclusion of the visually im­paired, it is necessary that the society respects the laws that guarantee the rights of this category, which includes the knowledge and respect to the figure of the guide dog when present.


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