Affordances to motor development to children at a maternal and child center




Child development, Social class, Environment


Objective: To verify the relationship between socioeconomic status and family characteristics and opportunities for motor development in the homes of babies monitored at a Maternal and Child Center in a city in southern Brazil.

Method: Eighty caregivers of full-term babies aged three to 18 months were evaluated. For data collection, an interview containing data about the parents / guardians was used, the Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development (AHEMD) instrument was used to identify the opportunities for motor development present in homes and to classify the family socioeconomic level the questionnaire ABEP was used.

Results: Moderate and adequate motor development opportunities were found for babies in their homes, and with regard to economic classification, most families were classified in socioeconomic strata B2 and C1. The results also suggest that the lower the socioeconomic class, the less toys with fine and gross motor skills are found in homes.

Conclusion: Regardless of socioeconomic class, it is necessary to provide strategies for adequate motor stimulation in the contexts of infant development.





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