Non-oriented use of medicinal products among users of an university Physiotherapy clinic in the Northwest of Rio Grande do Sul




Self-medication, Medicines, Pharmaceutical Attention


Introduction: The practice of self-medication is quite common not only in Brazil, but worldwide. This habit is mainly associated with easy access to medicines. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the practice of self-medication among patients of a university physiotherapy clinic in the northwest of Rio Grande do Sul.

Material and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional observational study was conducted with the application of a structured questionnaire with open and closed questions, was applied to a population of 27 individuals during the month of November 2019.

Results: It was observed that 81.5% of the participants had already practiced self-medication, with analgesics / antipyretics, anti-inflammatory drugs, cough syrups and anti-influenza drugs being the most active classes, used in this practice. It was also analyzed the current use of medications, 70.4% of patients said they are currently using, 78.9% by medical indication and 21.1% by selfmedication. Although the public sought medical attention, it was found that self-medication was prevalent among the studied population, and it could be observed that most of them did not have adequate professional follow-up to indicate, provide information and guide how the medicines should have been used.

Discussion: Thus, it is evident the importance of pharmaceutical care actions and how much it can contribute to minimize the possible negative impacts resulting from the non-oriented use of medicines.





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