Self-perceived health of elderly participants in choir groups in the city of Curitiba/Paraná
Health of the Elderly, Aged, Aging, Singing, MusicAbstract
Introduction: Choir can be a protective tool for elder’s cognition and quality of life aspects, the self-perception about health, as it seems, is a good health indicator to elder people.
Objective: investigate elder participant’s health selfperception from choir groups in Curitiba/Paraná.
Material and methods: a mixed approach study, 32 elderly participants answered closed questionnaires and the question “what does it mean to be healthy for you?”. Descriptive data were presented using measures of central tendency and dispersion for continuous variables and frequency distribution for categorical variables. The open question was analyzed through thematic content analysis, using the method of specificity analysis and combinatorial factor analysis with resources from the IRAMUTEQ software.
Results: The participants declared a positive health selfperception. Health is comprehended as a wide concept involving five main aspects: interpersonal relationships, physical and spiritual aspects, comfort and fears. Being healthy is associated with autonomy to exercise your activities.
Conclusion: Socioeconomic conditions and lifestyle are aspects that will directly influence the self-perceived health of elderly people. Participation in social activities can foster interpersonal relationships.
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