Gestational weight gain in triplet, trichorionic and triamniotic pregnancy: experience report with a case.


  • Gabriella Pinto Belfort Instituto Nacional de Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Figueira - IFF/Fiocruz
  • Roseli de Souza Santos da Costa Instituto Nacional de Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Figueira - IFF/Fiocruz.
  • Verônica de Oliveira Corr Rached Instituto Nacional de Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Figueira - IFF/Fiocruz.
  • Julyane de Oliveira Sobrinho Instituto Nacional de Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Figueira - IFF/Fiocruz.


Palabras clave:

gestational weight gain, pregnancy, high risk, triplet, prematurity.


Introduction: inadequate weight gain during pregnancy is recognized as a risk factor for unfavorable maternal and perinatal outcomes, such as preeclampsia. Reports focusing on weight gain in triplet pregnancies are scarce in the literature.

Aim: to achieve the evolution of gestational weight gain and the maternal and perinatal outcomes of a triple pregnancy case.

Description of case: in the present experience report, the case of a triplet, trichorionic and triamniotic pregnancy was presented. The patient in the case, 36 years old, started prenatal care at 12 weeks of gestation and pre gestational nutritional diagnosis of grade I obesity. The total gestational weight gain was 21 kg, agreed according to the current recommendation. The case presented gestational diabetes mellitus and preeclampsia. However, surgical delivery took place at 32 weeks and 6 days and the newborns had adequate weight for gestational age, without serious clinical complications.

Conclusions: the observed results reinforce the importance of nutritional monitoring and the need for more studies that address weight gain in triplet pregnancy.

Biografía del autor/a

Gabriella Pinto Belfort, Instituto Nacional de Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Figueira - IFF/Fiocruz

Departamento de Nutrição

Roseli de Souza Santos da Costa, Instituto Nacional de Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Figueira - IFF/Fiocruz.

Departamento de Nutrição

Verônica de Oliveira Corr Rached, Instituto Nacional de Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Figueira - IFF/Fiocruz.

Departamento de Nutrição

Julyane de Oliveira Sobrinho, Instituto Nacional de Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Figueira - IFF/Fiocruz.

Departamento de Nutrição


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