The Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing With Vascular Occlusion Achieved, At Lower Speeds, Oxygen Uptake Similar To A Traditional Maximum Test
Aerobic, Exercise, Kaatsu, Oxygen consumption, Vascular occlusion.Resumo
Introduction: Aerobic protocols and exercises are sought with less overload and that produce gains similar to traditional exercises. Therefore, understanding the changes that occur in incremental test with blood flow restriction(Tmax-BFR) and without blood flow restriction(Tmax-TRAD) is fundamental. Objective: To compare the responses of speeds, ventilatory thresholds(VT), maximum oxygen uptake(VO2max), blood lactate([la]), heart rate(HR) and Borg scale of Tmax-BFR vs. Tmax-TRAD. Methods: In this crossover study, non-athlete men who were submitted to two tests conditions(Tmax-BFR and Tmax-TRAD) were included. Data were analyzed using Generalized Estimating Equations and Bonferroni test. Values p<0.05 were considered significant. Results: Five men were included(Age:22.6±1.1years). The 1stVT, 2ndVT and VO2max were similar in both conditions. However, Tmax-BFR has reached 1stVT(Tmax-TRAD, 9.0±0.7km/h; Tmax-BFR, 8.2±0.5km/h), 2ndVT(Tmax-TRAD, 13.8±1.6km/h; Tmax-BFR, 11.6±1.8km/h) and VO2max(Tmax-TRAD, 15.6±2.9km/h; Tmax-BFR, 13.0±2.1km/h) at significantly lower speeds when compared to Tmax-TRAD(p<0.0001). HR at 2ndVT(Tmax-TRAD, 189.2±20.7bpm; Tmax-BFR, 173.2±10.6bpm; p=0.014) and Maximum HR(Tmax-TRAD, 203.6±14.9bpm; TBFR, 178.8±9.7bpm; p<0.0001) were higher in Tmax-TRAD. The Tmax-BFR showed higher levels of [la] when compared to Tmax-TRAD for 1stVT(p=0.019) and 2ndVT(p=0.005). Conclusion: There was a reduction in speed of 1stVT, 2ndVT and VO2max, as well as lower cardiac effort in the 2ndVT and HR at the end of the test in the Tmax-BFR condition.Referências
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