The effects of quality signals through the e-servicescape: a conceptual analysis based on theoretical models


  • Ciro Eduardo Gusatti Mestrando em Administração do PPGA/UNISC.
  • Flávio Régio Brambilla Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC).



Quality signals, Services, E-servicescape


The objective of this theoretical paper is to enlarge the discussions on the quality signals and about the features that phenomenon shows through the internet. The contemporary market presents new interaction problems between buyers and salespersons and, consequently, new investigation elements in products and services. The quality signal of products through websites has been evidenced by several recent studies. This same phenomenon, however, involving studies of the commercialization of services in the internet has been neglected. This paper explores a theoretical presentation of the Quality Signals and the approach with the services reality. Later on we present the models of Servicescape of Bitner (1992) and the E-servicescape of Harris and Goode (2010). Converging the theoretical elements and models, we suggest roads of studies and hypotheses of investigation to E-servicescape as potential element of quality signals on the internet. This study is pertinent once it can illuminate new roads of theoretical and empiric studies. This paper can provide insights to the reality of trade services in the internet and benefits that support organization and the consumers of the contemporary market.

Author Biographies

Ciro Eduardo Gusatti, Mestrando em Administração do PPGA/UNISC.

Mestrando em Administração do PPGA/UNISC.

Flávio Régio Brambilla, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC).

Doutor em Administração. Mestre em Administração e Negócios: Marketing. Docente do Mestrado em Administração da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC).




