Mamulengo museum in the class room: proposal of educational games as a didactical resource in history teaching


  • Ricardo de Aguiar Pacheco UFRPE, PE
  • Jorge Luiz Veloso da Silva Filho UFRPE



History teaching, Educational games, Mamulengo Museum


This study aims to understand the use of educational games as a teaching resource for history education through Mamulengo the Museum's collection (located in the city of Olinda - PE). We use theoretical frameworks related to teaching history, the field of heritage and museology. We discuss the educational dimension of these spaces and seek references on the use of games in schools in the field of pedagogy. We conducted a research participant observation of educational activities aimed at public school in Mamulengo Museum. Information was collected from teachers using the space and the education of the museum sector. We argue that the proposition of the games is a way to approach the school institution of Mamulengo Museum. When games are used in history lessons, it prepare the visitation and enhance the educational experience at the museum.

Author Biographies

Ricardo de Aguiar Pacheco, UFRPE, PE

Jorge Luiz Veloso da Silva Filho, UFRPE

Graduado em História pela Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (2014). Atuou como bolsista de iniciação científica CNPq/UFRPE (2013-2014). Faz parte do grupo de Laboratório de Estudos sobre o Patrimônio cultural e Memória social (LEPAM). Trabalha temas referentes às ações educativas em museus, com o intuito de desenvolver jogos educativos que explorem o acervo destas instituições




