The strategizing in the vision of the middle managers of the superintendencies of the union patrimony in southern Brazil


  • José Vladimir Da Silva Brito Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
  • Vilmar Antonio Gonçalves Tondolo Universidade de Caxias do Sul



Strategy, middle managers, public administration


This article resulted from a multiple case study, exploratory and qualitative which sought to understand the strategizing regarding the results of the indicator of the Rate of Growth of Patrimonial Incoming of the Multi-Annual Plan 2008-2011, in the vision of the middle managers of the three southern superintendence of the Union Patrimony. The research, submitted to validation tests of the case, collected data in documents and in interviews with six managers – two in each State – which, once transcribed, were submitted to content analysis by themes codified and categorized. The results contribute to the theory of the Strategy As Practice (strategy-as-practice) by applying to the middle managers, by the regionalized context, by applying in the public sector and, secondly, for the questioning of the Multi-Year Plan as a guiding instrument of the governmental strategies.

Author Biographies

José Vladimir Da Silva Brito, Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina

Mestre em Administração pelo PPGA/UNISUL

Rua Trajano, 219 - Centro
88010 010 - Florianópolis – SC

Vilmar Antonio Gonçalves Tondolo, Universidade de Caxias do Sul

Professor do PPGA/UCS

Campus Universitário de Caxias do Sul - Bloco F, sala 401
Rua Francisco Getúlio Vargas, 1130 - CEP 95070-560 - Caxias do Sul - RS


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