Analysis of digital self-education of computer science professionals


  • Ângela Maria Vieira Nabinger UNILASALLE, Canoas/RS
  • Patrícia Kayser Vargas Mangan UNILASALLE, Canoas/RS



Cyber culture, personal learning environment, continuous education


There are few available data concerning the self-education culture of informatics professionals through Internet. Aiming at investigating the main continuous (auto)education activities, the main goal of our exploratory research is to identify most used tools by seniors of a Computer Science undergraduate course for autonomous self-development. Data were collected by documental sources and electronic questionnaires. Using a sample of 19 respondents (95% degree of liability), the data were organized so that they will allow further work (a) identifying good practice of continuing education; (b) assisting the construction of policies of access to Internet resources that encourage self-learning.

Author Biographies

Ângela Maria Vieira Nabinger, UNILASALLE, Canoas/RS

Bacharel em Ciência da Computação pelo Centro Universitário La Salle (UNILASALLE) e técnica pelo Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Sul-Rio-Grandense. Vem pesquisando na área de TICs, bem como nas questões de competências profissionais e ambientes pessoais de aprendizagem.

Endereço Institucional: Av. Victor Barreto, 2288.

Patrícia Kayser Vargas Mangan, UNILASALLE, Canoas/RS

Doutora em Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação pela COPPE/Sistemas da UFRJ. Professora do UNILASALLE (Canoas/RS), atuando no Mestrado Profissional em Memória Social e Bens Culturais na linha de Memória e Linguagens Culturais.

Endereço Institucional: Av. Victor Barreto, 2288. Telefone: (51) 3476-8593(51) 3476-8593.

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