The territory of innovative entrepreneurship: a map of initiatives to promote innovation in Caruaru (PE)
Innovative entrepreneurship, map, fostering innovation, Caruaru (PE)Abstract
This study addresses the performance of social actors linked to the public, private and educational spheres, aiming at the development of entrepreneurship and innovation actions, factors that influence the configuration of a Local Innovation System, given the interaction between them within the territory. Based on the above, the objective of the study is to organize a conceptual map on the main models of innovation systems and innovative entrepreneurship, triangulating with actions aimed at fostering innovation between the period 2010-2017, in the context of the City of Caruaru ( FOOT). With regard to methodological procedures, we characterize the investigation as exploratory, since we use a qualitative approach, through the case study strategy, carrying out documentary research and observations in the field. The conceptual map allowed observing the involvement of local institutions in the construction of fundamental factors for the development of the center, but which are still qualitatively fragile to guarantee its support.References
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