About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The “REDES” Magazine is published by the Master in Law and Society of LaSalle University and is intended for the dissemination of scientific knowledge produced in the field of Applied Social Sciences with emphasis on the area of Law and its unfathomable relations with Society.
The “REDES” Magazine aims to publish unpublished articles on original scientific research and literature review, as well as reviews and translations written in Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, Italian and German in order to foster the integration of national and international academic debate.
The “REDES” Magazine seeks to serve as a potential source of studies for Brazilian and foreign researchers, professionals and academics from undergraduate or postgraduate courses lato and stricto sensu.

Thematic coverage Applied Social Sciences Law

Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

The evaluation process of the articles submitted to the “REDES” is composed of three stages:


First: preliminary evaluation by the editors (article admissibility).

The editors are responsible for the preliminary analysis of the manuscript submitted to the journal (deskreview). The initial evaluation aims to verify:

(a) if the registration of the authors was complete (minimum academic background of the authors, institution, indication of the lattes curriculum, valid Orcid, and other fields required by the system);

(b) if the manuscript complied with the formal rules, de-identification, and formatting indicated;

(c) if the work has thematic (Law and Society), and methodological identity (Legal Sociology) with the journal;

(d) whether the text is unpublished, relevant, scientific in nature, and presents a compatible bibliography compatible;

(e) if specialized reviewers are available, and if there is no excess of articles published or submitted to the journal on the same theme; and

(f) in the abstract and introduction, whether the justification, objectives, theme, research problem, and correlated hypothesis are adequately exposed, as well as the method and methodology used in the investigation.

In case of preliminary rejection, the editors will send a justification to the authors and the submission will be shelved. If the article is still unpublished and if the form and content are adjusted, the article may be resubmitted for evaluation.


Second: double-blind peer review.

The subsequent stage is carried out by external reviewers (maximum of 20% endogeny), with academic degrees and qualified in the thematic area. The specialists are selected from the database by the editors based on previous registration and receive the de-identified manuscript directly through the OJS system.

These are guidelines that guide peer review:

(a) thematic and methodological compatibility with the journal ("Law and Society");

(b) respect for the academic form and the language;

(c) unpublished;

(d) adequacy of the title, abstract, and keywords;

(e) presentation of the objectives, the theme and the research problem, its correlative hypothesis, the method and methodology used;

(f) development of the analysis and conclusions from the theoretical framework; and

(g) bibliographic adequacy.

In conclusion, the reviewers indicate whether the paper is "approved", "approved with suggestions for revision", "submitted for a new round", or "rejected". In case of disagreement as to publication, the editors may refer the paper for a third review.


Third: editorial decision

Upon receipt of the evaluations, and in case there is a need for revision, the comments and suggestions are forwarded to the authors who must, within a maximum period of 15 (fifteen) days submit the article again, justifying in detail and objectively, point by point, the changes made. Changes made to the original file submitted to the journal should be made with "revision control" or distinctive color (red), to indicate precisely what has been changed, included, or excluded.

In case of unjustified failure to meet the deadline, the submission will be archived.

At the end, the editors evaluate whether the requirements of the reviewers have been met and indicate approval or rejection of the article. The final decision on whether to publish the paper is made by the editorial board, which may reject it even if approved by peers, if they consider that the manuscript does not respect the formal, material, and methodological guidelines of the journal. In case of an appeal by the authors, the deliberation will be realized by the editors.


Publication Frequency

The “REDES” Magazine has a continuous flow, and its publication is quarterly (April / August / December).


Open Access Policy

The “REDES” Magazine offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making the scientific knowledge available to the public for free provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archive system among participating libraries and permits them to create permanent archives for the preservation and restoration. 

Guidelines for conflict-of-interest register

The author(s) declare(s) that there is no financial conflict or of any other nature that may permeate the results of their scientific research and must declare in the manuscript and on the text submission page all funding that they have received because of the research.

If the author has question of what can constitute a potential conflict of interest, should contact the editorial “REDES” before submitting the text to the Journal.

There is a conflict of interest whenever non-academic interests, even if legitimate, may impair the objectivity and impartiality of the research conclusions - e.g., if the article is derived from a lawsuit or opinion paid for by consulting clients, the circumstances should be exposed in the manuscript and communicated to the editors. 


Editorial ethical commitment

(a) General Guidelines 

1. The editorial board of “REDES” undertakes reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of documents in which misconduct has occurred in conducting the research.

2. The editorial staff of “REDES” undertakes not to encourage, under any circumstances, misconduct.

3. If the publisher or publishers of the “REDES” become aware of any allegations of misconduct, by the publisher or editor, they undertake to deal with the allegations appropriately and clearly.

4. The editorial board of “REDES” commits itself to promote the retraction and (or) correct articles when necessary, after hearing the author(s), whenever there is a violation of the "REDES" integrity policy.

5. The editorial board of “REDES” also declares that it is always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies, when necessary.


(b) Specific ethical integrity guidelines for authors

1. The authors are responsible for the originality and quality of the work submitted to the journal.

2. The text forwarded assumes its originality and the plagiarism constitutes serious misconduct, subjecting the authors to the penalties provided by law. The cases of plagiarism will be informed to the original authors and/or their research and development institutions, constituting an editorial compliance policy of "REDES".

3. The editors should be informed and indicated in the article when the work presents texts identical or substantially like others already published by the authors, even if in another language, under penalty of characterizing self-plagiarism. In these cases, the authors should observe the ordinary rules of citation.

4. In case of need to keep information confidential, the authors must state the reasons for this in the article.

5. In the event of a conflict of interest, the circumstances must be stated in the terms indicated below (proper item).

6. Simultaneous submission of the manuscript to other journals tarnishes the editorial process and is considered by the editorial policy of "REDES" a potential situation of self-plagiarism.

7. In case of co-authorship, the express consent of all involved in the research is required. The criteria for co-authorship are: (a) effective participation in the construction and discussion of the research results and (b) review and approval of the version of the manuscript submitted to "REDES".


(c) Specific ethical integrity guidelines for evaluators

1. The blind peer review should follow the criteria of impersonality, transparency, objectivity, confidentiality, scientific rigor, and impartiality.

2. The manuscript under evaluation cannot be rejected for conclusions that are different from the reviewer's personal positions.

3. The data and conclusions of the submitted article will be strictly preserved, and its disclosure before publication is forbidden.

4. The reviewer will indicate to the editors the impossibility of evaluating the work when he/she concludes there is a conflict of interest or when, in any way, there is a breach of confidentiality, and it is possible to identify the author(s).


Preference Criteria

The publication of papers approved by peer review (double blind review) and selected by REDES editors will follow the chronological order of submission.

The criterion established above will not be observed in the following hypotheses (exceptions):

(a) In the case of an article written by a guest, the limit of 20% of the number of articles in each issue of "REDES" must be respected;

(b) Respect for self-imposed rules of quality: each issue of REDES will contain, whenever possible, at least 60% of its articles written by authors - at least one, in case of co-authorship - holding a doctoral degree;

(c) In case of conflict with the rules imposed by the Qualis/CAPES commission, in particular, with the exogeny criteria;

(d) In the case of an article written in co-authorship between permanent professors from Higher Education Institutions of different states, with their affiliation duly identified;

(e) In the case of an original article written by a researcher linked to foreign Higher Education Institutions;

(f) In the case of articles written in English or in languages other than our vernacular, even if the author is Brazilian;

(g) If the article is the result of research funded by funding agencies - not including scholarships for scientific initiation, master's and doctoral degrees or public funding programs such as PROEX, PROAP, PROSUP and similar versions of the state funding agencies - duly identified in the text by means of a footnote;

(h) In the case of articles that deal with themes of imminent actuality and that may become obsolete due to the delay in publication. Such situation will be identified by decision of the editorial team of "REDES" and may be suggested by the referees in their evaluation.

Except for texts by invited authors, all articles will be submitted to peer review, which will adopt identical selection parameters, aiming at quality scientific production in the journal.

Publication Frequency

The “REDES” Magazine has a continuous flow and its publication is quarterly (April / August / December).

Open Access Policy

The “REDES” Magazine offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making the scientific knowledge available to the public for free provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.