The heritage modernity in conflict and mediation as meeting with other


  • Jorge Alberto de Macedo Acosta Jr. Faculdade de Desenvolvimento do Rio Grande do Sul



Society, Modernity, Mediation, Psychoanalysis, Conflict


This study aims to reveal the forces of the continuum process of modernity which ends up influencing people’s acts leading the human  interrelationship toward a logic of competition and instrumentality. This scientistic scenario dedicated to the free market spectacle causes consequences to the social bonds, thus distances the subjects from reflection, which is necessary for construction of subjectivity, moving them away from the moral responsibility to one another. Considering the psychoanalytic theory of Lebrun, the influences of modernity in individuals who changed the social reference point can be understood, which in turn mutes patriarchal authority and disarms the required intervention to insert the subjects into social language. The lack of patriarchal saying “No!” - phallic representation - prevents the construction of subjectivity, as a result, individuals cannot sustain their social bonds (due to lack of sensitivity), slipping in family conflicts first and socials ones later. Faced with this problem, conflict mediation can be seen as an opportunity to break the cycle of conflict once its characteristics understand the conflict as a possibility of difference and also seeks the reunion of relationships through sensitivity, setting love as conductor of the social bond, initiated within the family and, subsequently, in the society.




