Game Theory applied to the liquidation of a marital partnership


  • Javier Ramírez Escamilla Universidad La Salle, A.C. Facultad de Derecho
  • Luis Antonio Andrade Rosas Universidad La Salle (México)



Game Theory, Divorce, Liquidation, Conjugal Society.


Game theory and law can be perfectly combined to analyze negotiation scenarios in real situations such as to analyze negotiation scenarios in real situations such as: the partition of an inheritance, the liquidation of a debt, the liquidation of a civil or commercial company, among others. In this paper, we analyze a real case of liquidation of a marital partnership, where the monetary income of both spouses is in dispute, as well as the social fund of the marital partnership is in dispute. Based on the Civil Code of the Federal District (now Mexico City) and the Game Theory, we explain the ideal solution for this ideal solution for this negotiation scenario.

Author Biographies

Javier Ramírez Escamilla, Universidad La Salle, A.C. Facultad de Derecho

Investigador y Líder del Grupo de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación de la Facultad de Derecho: Estado, gobierno, cultura política y participación ciudadana.

Luis Antonio Andrade Rosas, Universidad La Salle (México)



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 Código Civil para el Distrito Federal: Consultado: 9 de junio de 2017.



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